It was only in recent years that commercial farmers and determined hobbyists began to take an interest in the beauty of hydroponic growing methods. In simple terms, hydroponic systems feed the plant directly in the most efficient, effective and eco-friendly way to produce as healthy food as possible, in large quantities and in the smallest areas. Hydroponics not only fulfills all the standards set for organic farming, but it takes a step further by giving us control over plant nutrition and growth.

Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture, a method of growing plants without soil, using nutrient solutions. Hydroponics offers many benefits, one of which is the reduction in agricultural water use. Various cultures around the world have embraced hydroponic growth techniques throughout history. The hanging gardens of Babylon, the floating gardens of the Mexican Aztecs and the Chinese are examples of Hydroponic Culture. As hydroponics is an old-fashioned way of growing crops, great strides have been made every year in this new agricultural area. Horticulturists and Scientists have been experimenting with various forms of hydroponics throughout the last century. One of the potential applications of research into hydroponics was to develop new products in less arid areas of the world with less soil.

Interestingly, NASA has been conducting extensive research on hydroponics since the 1960s and has compiled a number of space programs, including the International Space Station (ISS) in 2007. another planet, hydroponics easily enters their ecosystems.

Why should you consider growth in hydroponics?

• Water is reduced by 90%, which makes it very energy efficient.
• Grow Anywhere, in your kitchen, garage, basement, storage area or any other place you can think of.
• More control, in addition to the nutrients the plant receives.
• Less pollution, as plants do not have to fight diseases and pests in the soil.
• High Yield, Production can be increased by 3x to 10x for the same space requirements.
• Annual Harvesting, indoor hydroponics systems can harvest crops of their choice throughout the year.
• Rapid Growth, as plants can be planted 20% faster in hydroponics systems.
• Farm-to-Table, as you can grow your own new microgreens, vegetables or herbs to quickly add to any of your dishes.

Nowadays, traditional farmers around the world are beginning to see the benefits of planting crops in hydroponics. However, apart from the constant use of hydroponics in the Indian market, there are a few obstacles that limit the potential growth of this market.

Although many people around the world have new and unique ideas for how to make local food production, it may be necessary to focus those projects on reality and ensure that the project can be built and implemented profitably

Some of the barriers to entry in this market are,

• It takes time and commitment.
• You need more information.
• High cost of money.
• Threats to system failure.
• Water and Electricity hazards.
• Lack of market awareness about hydroponic product quality.

Sanket Jiwane